We work with you and the builder throughout the project to the extent that you would need us. We know that you are particular about the way you build and we will be attentive to ensure that you will have the information that you need, as well as your suppliers.
You will work with a designer that has knowledge of home style and function as well as an extensive background in residential construction and engineered systems. We will illustrate what is being designed and will deliver them either in person or over the internet.
We strive to have all necessary info. On our plans in order to communicate not only to you, your builder, or the code official but also to the lumber yard and their affiliates sub-contractors and specialty groups. They all rely on the plan for their information. We have our phone # on the plans and will are willing to work with these entities to ensure your best interests. During the preliminary stages of the design it is sometimes difficult to know that what you desire in the plan fits into the set budget. The preliminary plans usually have enough information that a budget can be produced that will help guide in the completion to keep the job on track with the scope of the project. We offer a REScheck with our plans and will need some information from you to complete and in most cases they are done at no charge.
Builder Services at a glance: